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Reply to topic   Topic: mod_cache -> mod_disk_cache

Joined: 09 Feb 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Thu 09 Feb '06 20:08    Post subject: mod_cache -> mod_disk_cache Reply with quote

Steffen, great work you do! I am much impressed and deeply grateful that such peoples like you exists - thank you!

I have a problem with mod_disk_cache. I got errors like this:
    [Thu Feb 09 09:57:02 2006] [error] (OS 5)Zugriff verweigert : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: c:/www_root/cache_root/aptmpyBle12 -> c:/www_root/cache_root/ns1/JhW/b38/13z/Jvc/E240G8g.header
On the net I found many discussions regarding that error like that one:

I have no clue whether this patch is in the current version included or not. So I would like to ask you whether you can dig into that subject?

My httpd.conf:
<IfModule mod_cache.c>

LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/mod_disk_cache.so
# If you want to use mod_disk_cache instead of mod_mem_cache,
# uncomment the line above and comment out the LoadModule line below.
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>

CacheRoot c:/www_root/cache_root
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3

CacheEnable disk http://www.mydomain.de/

# 3600 == (one hour)
CacheDefaultExpire 3600


<Directory "C:/www_root/cache_root">
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Thu 09 Feb '06 20:53    Post subject: Reply with quote

I saw on the ASF dev list that there are fixes/changes planned for the next version of mod_cache. Do not know the patch you mention is included in the current 2.2.0.

Do you have the error all the time ?

You have a double entry in your conf:

CacheEnable disk /
CacheEnable disk http://www.mydomain.de/

The last one you can remove if you are not acting as a forward proxy server

I just did a quick test with 2.2.0:

LoadModule cache_module modules/mod_cache.so
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/mod_disk_cache.so
CacheRoot c:/windows/temp
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3
CacheDefaultExpire 3600

And I see no errors so far.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Thu 09 Feb '06 21:12    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you have the error all the time ?
Yes, all the time:
    [Wed Feb 08 04:29:19 2006] [error] (OS 5)Zugriff verweigert : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: c:/www_root/cache_root/aptmpcBQArf -> c:/www_root/cache_root/Yps/9@M/wrt/ROg/DJL/@nAtriQ.header
    [Wed Feb 08 07:34:24 2006] [error] (OS 5)Zugriff verweigert : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: c:/www_root/cache_root/aptmpd2a4XI -> c:/www_root/cache_root/iVF/YSR/0ya/4rZ/Kzf/4PYLcEA.header
    [Wed Feb 08 07:38:30 2006] [error] (OS 5)Zugriff verweigert : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: c:/www_root/cache_root/aptmpcJvfPV ->

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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7355
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb '06 11:39    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does the server run as service? If yes, maybe the service don't have the rights to access the folder.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb '06 13:28    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good idea ... but unfortunately it runs as "LocalSystem" service and has the rights to access the folder. Perhaps the problem stays in conjunction with the "www_root" folder. I will try to set up the "cache_root" folder separately.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb '06 16:58    Post subject: Reply with quote

YES! That was the answer! No more problems since setting up the "cache_root" folder separately.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

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Joined: 28 Apr 2007
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Wed 07 Jan '09 1:05    Post subject: Reply with quote

Same problem here see error log below:

My config:

<IfModule cache_module>
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/mod_disk_cache.so
# If you want to use mod_disk_cache instead of mod_mem_cache,
# uncomment the line above and comment out the LoadModule line below.
<IfModule disk_cache_module>

CacheRoot C:/WINDOWS/Temp
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3

# 3600 == (one hour)
CacheDefaultExpire 10


Error log excerpt:
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:24 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpA96FQr -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/Uc1/kW9/YkS/AhJ/ECp/uxdqpfA.header
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:24 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpCRACMp -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/Uc1/kW9/YkS/AhJ/ECp/uxdqpfA.header
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:27 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to datafile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpx1asW8 -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/wyr/CRB/pzb/b7N/CaS/Lz6VSTA.data
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:49 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpcJvfPV -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/iHO/e9G/8XO/iv6/1iC/t2gUBwA.header
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:53 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to datafile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmprxnpay -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/NzM/XGq/h9B/AgD/jpa/C8mAfBQ.data
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:53 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmp3xalBz -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/wyr/CRB/pzb/b7N/CaS/Lz6VSTA.header
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:59 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpTwYRgr -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/Zyr/OC7/2ko/rkh/UL@/bLpaAPA.header
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:59 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpt2szii -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/CIf/ByH/bN9/dAy/6Ld/79j44Bw.header
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:59 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpqSbbER -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/kwC/C5x/7Li/hjM/lIU/y9fYxog.header
[Tue Jan 06 15:00:03 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpcBQArf -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/NzM/XGq/h9B/AgD/jpa/C8mAfBQ.header
[Tue Jan 06 15:00:11 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to datafile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpY17hPB -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/wyr/CRB/pzb/b7N/CaS/Lz6VSTA.data
[Tue Jan 06 15:00:12 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to datafile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpTwYRgr -> C:/WINDOWS/Temp/NzM/XGq/h9B/AgD/jpa/C8mAfBQ.data
[Tue Jan 06 15:00:14 2009] [warn] (OS 5)Access is denied.  : disk_cache: rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed: C:/WINDOWS/Temp/aptmpt2szii ->

Here's my config before adding cache:

ServerRoot "D:/www"
DocumentRoot "D:/www/htdocs"
Listen 80
HostnameLookups off
LoadModule asis_module modules/mod_asis.so
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.so
LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
LoadModule never_expire_module modules/mod_never_expire.so
LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so
LoadModule cache_module modules/mod_cache.so
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/mod_disk_cache.so
LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so

<IfModule !mpm_netware_module>
<IfModule !mpm_winnt_module>
User daemon
Group daemon

ServerAdmin info@xxxx.com
ServerName images.xxxx.com:80

<Directory "D:/www/htdocs/">
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript text/css
    NeverExpire on   
    Options Indexes -FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Header unset ETag
FileETag None

<FilesMatch "\\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css)$">
Header unset Last-Modified
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=290304000, public"

<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.html

<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All

ErrorLog "logs/error.log"
LogLevel warn

DefaultType text/plain
<IfModule mime_module>
    TypesConfig conf/mime.types
    AddType application/x-compress .Z
    AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

Its an image, js and css server only.
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7355
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Wed 07 Jan '09 17:16    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Hydn79,
you need a permission setting for the folder


<Directory "C:/WINDOWS/Temp">
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


(^.^) 2000th post
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Joined: 28 Apr 2007
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Thu 08 Jan '09 16:18    Post subject: Reply with quote

still got access denied.
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