By donating you will help to keep this site alive and well.
If you find this site, and overall help useful, please consider donating to this effort.
Thank You! Steffen
Apache Lounge is not sponsored by anyone.
Your donations will help to keep this site alive and well, and continuing the building of the binaries.
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Apache Lounge is all about the Apache Web Server provided by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) HTTPD Server Project. Apache Lounge has provided up-to-date Windows binaries and popular third-party modules for more than 10 years. Always build with up to date dependencies and latest compilers, and tested thorough. This makes the downloads more actual for example then downloads from the ASF and other places.
We have hundreds of thousands of satisfied users: small and big companies as well as personal users. The binaries are referenced by the ASF, Microsoft, PHP etc. and more and more commercial software is packaged with our binaries and modules.
For help, support and learning, join our ever-growing community forum and talk with other webmasters and programmers who are working together and learning from each other's experiences with the Apache HTTPD Server. We discuss developing modules and other web-server-related software. Third party developers and ASF developers are frequent visitors.
Hilversum, Netherlands
Tel +31(0)6 24972382
If you have any questions about the products and services, feel free to contact.
Moderators: Gregg, Mario, Peter, Tom and Steffen
Notices: Apachelounge moderators are participating in development of the HTTPD server and supplying also patches, and four of us are official ASF committers and PMC members. Key HTTPD server developers are promoting to download binaries from Apachelounge as the best place, and visiting here the forum.
Official/legal we have to say: is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the Apache Software Foundation. Apache HTTP Server, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
All other company and product names, logo's etc. may be trademarks of their respective companies/owners.
Mention of non Apachelounge websites and products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.
The httpd and module binaries, based on the unmodified source at and module authors, on the download pages here are distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
ApacheLounge is not responsible for the consequences of use of the binaries on the download pages, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it. This is in line with the current license from the Apache Software Foundation,
see the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The forum uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain
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