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Joined: 05 Jul 2024
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Fri 05 Jul '24 18:20    Post subject: Multilanguage Redirects Reply with quote

We have the following issue: We used to run our domain in two languages on one domain. Like

Now we've set the Multilanguage plugin to show all English urls still on domain.com, but all Danish urls now on domain.DK

It all works well, but both domains point into the same WordPress installation folder to make this work.
Now we need to redirect the old domain.com/Danish-urls to their new .DK place and added this to our .htaccess file:
Redirect permanent /danish-url1/ https://domain.dk/danish-url1/

The problem is that the pages run into an error “too many redirects”, most likely because both domains point into the same WordPress folder and therefore not only domain.com/Danish-url1, but also domain.dk/Danish-url1 gets redirected in an infinite loop.

We tried using absolute URLs such as
Redirect permanent https://domain.com/danish-url1/ https://domain.dk/danish-url1/
In this way there is no error, but also no redirect, so it seems the line is just ignored and doesn’t allow two absolute urls.

Also because no language code was used in the URLs before, like /dk/..., we need to address all the single pages and it cannot be solved with a generically coded rule.

I hope for a server expert this is easy to solve, for us just knowing basics it is practically impossible to figure out, thank you for your reply.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2016
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Location: Schömberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

PostPosted: Sat 06 Jul '24 9:30    Post subject: Reply with quote

To redirect a request matching a URL with http-code 301 (=redirect permanent) ONLY if it is not the host www.domain.dk then you might use this as a blueprint:
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}"   "!^www\.domain\.dk$" [NC]
RewriteRule    "^danish-url1/"  "https://www.domain.dk/danis-url1"  [R=301,L]

RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}"   "!^www\.domain\.dk$" [NC]
RewriteRule    "^danish-url2/"  "https://www.domain.dk/danis-url2"  [R=301,L]

Or you identify all danish-urls (is there a generic rule? e.g. always start with ... or something like this) and put this into the RewriteRule. Also these URLs should only be redirected if NOT on www.domain.DK.

Futher reading:

Last edited by mraddi on Sun 07 Jul '24 14:19; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 05 Jul 2024
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun 07 Jul '24 11:57    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks a lot mraddi, unfortunately it does not redirect.

I added this code for one concrete domain:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "!^www\.tantratemplet\.dk$" [NC]
RewriteRule "^/er-tantra-farligt-2$" "https://tantratemplet.dk/er-tantra-farligt-2/" [R=301,L]

But when calling

in the browser, it shows the domain still under tantra-temple.com.

Can you check if I replaced the placeholders correctly? Maybe the www shouldn't be there because the domain doesn't use it?

In case all seems good and should work, would you mind by any chance to take a look into the htaccess if I give you ftp access?
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Joined: 27 Jun 2016
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Location: Schömberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

PostPosted: Sun 07 Jul '24 14:20    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Sofian,
sorry - I found a typo in my post (now corrected) - the leading / was wrong.
Please try again. Very Happy

And please ensure that mod_rewrite is loaded Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon 08 Jul '24 15:14    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks again, I corrected and it still does not work, how can I check if mod_rewrite is enabled? Sorry for the total noob questions Smile
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Joined: 27 Jun 2016
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Location: Schömberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

PostPosted: Mon 08 Jul '24 19:06    Post subject: Reply with quote

To load mode_rewrite you need to have a line like
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

within your config.

If you are running Apache on Linux you can try to run
a2query -m

apache2ctl -M

to list the loaded modules.
sudo a2enmod rewrite

you can enable the needed module mod_rewrite. Of course you need to restart the service afterwards to really load this newly enabled module.

On my Windows-computer I run
httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES

(or http -M which is a shorter synonym for the same result) to get the same list including a line
rewrite_module (shared)

which indicates that this module is loaded on my installation.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2024
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PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '24 14:58    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I checked with our webhost, and they say mod_rewrite is working. So I don't know what else could be. Here again the concrete line I used based on your corrected code:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "!^www\.tantratemplet\.dk$" [NC]
RewriteRule "^er-tantra-farligt-2/" "https://www.tantratemplet.dk/er-tantra-farligt-2" [R=301,L]

In case there is any chance you could take a look, please write to info@tantra-temple.com and I will send you ftp access. We can also pay a bit, we would anyhow next look for a freelancer who can take a look into it... Thanks for your efforts so far
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