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Reply to topic   Topic: virtual hosts apache windows resolve locally but not externa

Joined: 21 Apr 2023
Posts: 14
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue 02 May '23 3:35    Post subject: virtual hosts apache windows resolve locally but not externa Reply with quote

I was running a handful of apache sites with prot forwarding 8080 8081 8082 8083 .... I added the post to the listener i created the apache .conf files and enabled the sites

Everything works like a charm except I'm getting tired of port forwarding on my router, adding a listen port ...

I decide let me do apache & vhost. I only put two sites on it add a cname and it works if I am connected to the LAN but when I go to work (external) it does not work s1.disorbo.us and s2.disorbo.us
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
Posts: 370
Location: UK

PostPosted: Tue 02 May '23 20:42    Post subject: Reply with quote

Am not sure why you opened a new post on this when your problems are a continuation of your previous one.

At this moment, your two DNS records contain CNAME entries which resolve for me here in the UK, and I can reach your site login page for each host, so your vhost configuration is basically working.

Either way though, since this site is primarily concerned with all matters Apache, we can't really help you further with network configuration issues.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2023
Posts: 14
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu 04 May '23 18:34    Post subject: Reply with quote

I opened another post because I thought it was a different problem - but I guess I'm wrong

What Really you can reach s1 and s2

S1 should show an apache defualt page with the domain name in it s1.disorbo.us
s2 should show a page with a chef and some art work

You are telling that you actually see the sites. The login thing is another server but you say you actually get a password prompt ?

I wonder why it only works from insdie my hous or on my LAN - when I go to work or if I take out my cell phone (cell wifi only) I can't get there

So if you can see it why can't I - huh maybe this does belong in networking how do I move the post or should I start another ?

Domain Name
A fatboy.disorbo.us 600 IP Blacklist

Owner: Cox Communications LLC [United States of America] WHOIS AS22773

Domain Name
Canonical Name
CNAME fatboy.disorbo.us 600

Domain Name
Canonical Name
NS fatboy.disorbo.us 3600
ns65.domaincontrol.com. ( IP Blacklist)

Owner: GoDaddy.com LLC [United States of America] WHOIS AS44273
NS fatboy.disorbo.us 3600
ns66.domaincontrol.com. ( IP Blacklist)

Owner: GoDaddy.com LLC [United States of America] WHOIS AS44273

Domain Name
Primary NS
Responsible Email
SOA fatboy.disorbo.us 3600 ns65.domaincontrol.com. dns.jomax.net.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2020
Posts: 370
Location: UK

PostPosted: Thu 04 May '23 22:40    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't get an Apache default page for your s1.disorbo.us site, nor a chef with some artwork for s2.disorbo.us.

Both sites come up with the same login page, requesting username and password, with an animated GIF above which says "My Cloud". There's a translucent background image of a keyboard and cup of coffee.

I've base64 encoded a screenshot of that page as seen by Firefox here in the UK, and posted it to https://apaste.info/wk9l (that post will expire in one week).

You can decode and view that image by saving the post data to a text file, e.g "s1.disorbo.us - 2023-05-04.base64", and then run the command:

$ base64 -d "s1.disorbo.us - 2023-05-04.base64" > "s1.disorbo.us - 2023-05-04.png"

Then view the PNG file.

As mentioned before, I'm not sure we can help you further with networking issues per se, but where you have "specific" issues with Apache configuration and function, we will help if we can.
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