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Reply to topic   Topic: Homepage ok, other pages "Not Found"

Joined: 28 Mar 2016
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon 28 Mar '16 18:32    Post subject: Homepage ok, other pages "Not Found" Reply with quote

I have been looking at other answers here on stackoverflow and elsewhere, to no avail. Confused

I am running a virtual-host localhost and the homepage of the site is showing up fine, but if I go to any subdirectory/subpage I see the error in this question's title.

In short, mydomain.com works. mydomain.com/downloads/ does not work.

Usually I have fixed this issue with other domains on my localhost by altering .htaccess. Here is my current setup with Apache2.conf, sites-available/mydomain.com.lc.conf, sites-available/000-default.conf, etc/hosts, and .htaccess detailed here:


I have also used no .htaccess, and set permissions to 7 for all users (just for testing!)
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7354
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar '16 11:31    Post subject: Reply with quote

You are mixing The new config auth style

Require all granted

and the old one

Allow from all
        Deny from none
        Order deny,allow

If you have 2.4 use only the new one. Since there is AllowOverride all you have to check the .htaccess files for those issues, too!
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Joined: 28 Mar 2016
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar '16 12:12    Post subject: Using 2.4.10. What to do to .htaccess? Reply with quote

Hi, I am using 2.4.10 so I used only the new syntax:

Still having the issue. Is there something I need to do to .htaccess?
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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7354
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar '16 12:44    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only bebause in the first snippet there was


    <Directory /var/www/var/www/html/mydomain.com.lc/com_mydomain/*>
        Allow from all
        Deny from none
        Order deny,allow

The one .htacces you posted seems to be fine.

I wonder about the 404 error, cause the rewriting would prevent that.

Is mod_rewrite loaded?
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