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Reply to topic   Topic: Need help with reverse proxy, some parts of app not working

Joined: 12 Oct 2012
Posts: 1
Location: netherlands

PostPosted: Fri 12 Oct '12 10:14    Post subject: Need help with reverse proxy, some parts of app not working Reply with quote


Im trying to set up a reverse proxy to the application Surveillance Station on my Synology NAS. Altough the reverse proxy works ok for other apps like Webadmin, Download Station and such, parts of the Surveillance Station app do not work, particulary the Live View & Time Line. From the logs, i suspect an authorisation problem (because of the 401), but i'm not sure. I have tried ProxyPreserveHost on, ProxyVia full, and some rewrite rules, but i'm not sure what i'm doing Wink
Direct access to the port of the app works (i.e. 83.xxx.x.xxx:9900), so i know it has something to do with the reverse proxy. I hope somenone can help.

a snippet of my httpd-vhost.conf-user:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName mydomain.dyndns.org
  ProxyPass /
  ProxyPassReverse / 

a snippet of the log:

83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:51 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:52 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:52 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"
83.xxx.x.xxx - - [12/Oct/2012:09:38:52 +0200] "GET /webman/3rdparty/SurveillanceStation/cgi/liveview_src.cgi?isFromPlugin=1&camera=2&cookie_cms=id=384brKlFtmOQk&isCrossSite=0&itemType=0 HTTP/1.0" 401 512 "-" "-"

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James Blond

Joined: 19 Jan 2006
Posts: 7354
Location: Germany, Next to Hamburg

PostPosted: Mon 15 Oct '12 22:49    Post subject: Reply with quote

The 401 indicated that the server wants a login. Do you get a popup window to login in the first place?

Maybe you need to set ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain, ProxyPassReverseCookiePath and ProxyPreserveHost On. I don't know if that helps, but might.
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