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Reply to topic   Topic: Apache 2.2.27 > Force Accept-Ranges: bytes

Joined: 05 Aug 2016
Posts: 1
Location: Newtown, CT

PostPosted: Fri 05 Aug '16 20:29    Post subject: Apache 2.2.27 > Force Accept-Ranges: bytes Reply with quote

I promise I've trolled a few threads on this. I've run into some issues getting video to play in Safari/iOS.

I'm hoping it's because Apple states:
HTTP servers hosting media files for iOS must support byte-range requests, which iOS uses to perform random access in media playback.

By default most HTTP/1.1 servers are supposed to support this out the box.

In a lot of threads people have asked how you turn this off. I need to turn it on. I would have thought this was fairly easy.

In httpd.conf I have (condensed for brevity):


LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Accept-Ranges bytes

Various things I've tried.

  • I've tried with unset, set. Nothing. Using various tools for viewing headers (curl, console, FireBug, Live Headers etc...) it always! reports Accept-Ranges: none.
  • I've removed the If statement. Always comes back :none.
  • Checked from Command Line that mod_headers loaded (it does).

Anyone have any ideas how I get this Header in the Response?
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Joined: 16 Oct 2007
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Location: Sun Diego, USA

PostPosted: Sat 06 Aug '16 0:47    Post subject: Reply with quote

By default you should be able to get 200 ranges without doing anything. It could be turned off somewhere in your config however, Search through it for "MaxRanges" and see if it is set to 'none' somewhere in there.

Ranges were used in an attack to bring down not only Apache but the box running it as well (out of resources). This was fixed back in 2.2.20 to put a limit on the number of ranges. But "none" is certainly not default.
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