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Reply to topic   Topic: Apache Configuration and XMLHttpRequest.responseXML?

Joined: 28 Nov 2012
Posts: 3
Location: USA, Portland

PostPosted: Mon 03 Dec '12 18:04    Post subject: Apache Configuration and XMLHttpRequest.responseXML? Reply with quote

Hello Folks:

Is there an entry in httpd.conf or mime.types that would allow or prevent XMLHttpRequest to have a valid value in responseXML?

I posted this question, which I think is about configuring Apache, in this forum last Wednesday.

It was moved to "Coding & Scripting Corner".

If you want more detail of what I was trying to do, and what was and wasn't working, I guess you should look at my post in that forum.

Here is the link:


One helpful person responded, but I didn't get the specific advice I'd like.

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