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Reply to topic   Topic: Running two PHP-versions, both with OPcache

Joined: 09 Mar 2012
Posts: 1266
Location: Amsterdam, NL, EU

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '13 20:29    Post subject: Running two PHP-versions, both with OPcache Reply with quote

The fairly new OP cache extension is working so fast at my systems that I wanted to run both PHP 5.3 (for Drupal 6) and PHP 5.5 (for Drupal 7) with their own php_opcache.dll. Big disappointment: it seemed a no go because at least one of the PHP's suffered from internal server errors.

I opened an issue for this at github, aimed at the developers of OPcache (formerly ZendOptimizerPlus). Gradually I came to the conclusion that the reason for the 500-errors was that PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.5 were using the same memory area for their precompiled caches.

A bit by trial-and-error I managed to use a separate memory area for x86 and x64 versions. My Drupal 6 sites are now running X86 PHP 5.3 with php_opcache.dll and my Drupal 7 sites are using X64 PHP 5.5 with php_opcache64.dll, built from slightly altered sources. The only real difference is that php_opcache64 uses a different semaphore file than php_opcache. That was enough, seemingly.

At the moment I am uploading new x64 builds of PHP 5.5.0, 5.4.17 and 5.3.26 with both flavours of php_opcache. The download locations did not change:


I would love to hear feedback from anyone that has the guts to experiment with these mixed PHP-versions. For PHP 5.5 you do not have to use my full builds. If you have X64 PHP 5.5 running you might just add the php_opcache64.dll from my builds to the extension dir of PHP 5.5 and change the line in your php.ini to zend_extension=php_opcache64.dll. If this runs fine you are ready to add another X86 PHP-version with OPcache to your Apache config. For instance the official PHP 5.3 from http://windows.php.net/download/ and the (more or less) official opcache.dll's from http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/opcache/7.0.2/

The other way around is even simpler. If you have already running any X86 PHP with OPcache, you are ready to add any X64 PHP version with php_opcache64.dll.

Disclaimer: highly experimental. Do not do this on your production server. Even I did not do that yet.

Background info:

Please report back your experiences.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '13 21:08    Post subject: Reply with quote

Opcache is creating in his temp dir a file for example:

ZendOPcache.MemoryBase@SYSTEM with the contents: 000000E584FC0000

Who knows, maybe different temp file in the ini solves it.


ps. See also my observation at www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=25112
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Joined: 09 Mar 2012
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Location: Amsterdam, NL, EU

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '13 22:01    Post subject: Reply with quote

And php_opcache64.dll is creating ZendOPcache64.MemoryBase@SYSTEM

Only on my system it was in C:\Windows. Perhaps specifying a temp dir for OPcache would have been enough..

Can you run multiple PHP's without any troubles, if you specify different temp dir's?

With respect to the other observations about flutuations: phpinfo() gives you some stats about the OPcache usage. Maybe the cache is purged at some times.

000000E584FC0000: this must have been an X64 PHP. Does the mmap_base (which it is) ever change?

And do you see the same fluctuations with a X86 PHP?

Last edited by Jan-E on Tue 09 Jul '13 22:51; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '13 22:32    Post subject: Reply with quote

X64 creates here ZendOPcache.MemoryBase@SYSTEM, using x64 NTS php from php.net. See nowhere a php_opcache64.dll in that download.

The address in ZendOPcache.MemoryBase@SYSTEM changes when restarting Apache.


Fluctations also in X86 and the cache is not purged/restarted. It worries me.

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Joined: 09 Mar 2012
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Location: Amsterdam, NL, EU

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '13 22:46    Post subject: Reply with quote

The php_opcache64.dll in in my downloads. See topicstart.

Edit: both php_opcache.dll and php-opcache64.dll in my builds are the latest from github. They might be different from the PHP.net downloads.

Edit2: how did you specify a temp dir voor opcache? There is no mention of it in the readme:
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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Location: Hilversum, NL, EU

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jul '13 23:12    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry I overlooked it in the start post.

I meant in mod_fcgid:

FcgidInitialEnv TEMP "C:/WINDOWS/Temp"
FcgidInitialEnv TMP "C:/WINDOWS/Temp"

Change the other PHP to an other folder.

Still the same fluctuations with your VC11 build. The script page generation time is just a copy of the forum here with the google stuff removed.

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Joined: 09 Mar 2012
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Location: Amsterdam, NL, EU

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jul '13 15:55    Post subject: Reply with quote

Steffen wrote:
FcgidInitialEnv TEMP "C:/WINDOWS/Temp"
FcgidInitialEnv TMP "C:/WINDOWS/Temp"

Change the other PHP to an other folder.

Good idea, but I could not get it to work. I changed the temp for my X64 PHP 5.5 to C:\phpdev\php55pgo.x64\tmp\. And I added a X64 PHP 5.4 as PHP-CGI, so with the system temp.

If I first load PHP 5.4 after a reboot, it runs with these specs:
However, as soon as I access my Drupal 7 sites (with the PHP 5.5) the 5.4 produces an internal server error.

The PHP 5.5 got some server errors as well, so they still seem to be sharing memory.
C:\phpdev\php55pgo.x64\tmp>type c:\windows\z*



C:\phpdev\php55pgo.x64\tmp>type z*


I reverted the situation to what it was: a running X86 PHP 5.3+OPcache en X64 PHP 5.5+OPcache64
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