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Additional & Goodies Downloads

Apache 2.2 binaries :: End Of Live
[Apache 2.2] httpd 2.2.34 VC10                                

Apache 2.4 Last VC10/VC11/VC14/VC15/VS16 binaries
[Apache 2.4 VC10 ] httpd 2.4.23 VC10  Last VC10 which runs on XP and 2003
[Apache 2.4 VC11 ] httpd 2.4.38 VC11  Last VC11 

[Apache 2.4 VC14 ] httpd 2.4.41 VC14  Last VC14

[Apache 2.4 VC15 ] httpd 2.4.54 VC15  Last VC15

[Apache 2.4 VS16 ] httpd 2.4.57 VS16  Last VS16